As businesses grow, their digital asset volume can expand rapidly and those neatly organised collections of videos, images and other files, can suddenly turn into a chaotic maze. Having an effective digital asset management system in place is vital to support scalability. And the sooner you set it up, the less work it will take to establish a system that works seamlessly across your expanding organisation.

Managing your digital assets also becomes more complicated as you add new team members, departments and locations to your business. A high-quality DAM system will ensure that your digital assets are easy to locate from any location and can help maintain brand consistency as your business grows.

Key considerations for scalable DAM systems

If you are at the research stage of finding the best DAM system to meet your business needs, these are some of the key considerations to help identify your main requirements:

Cloud vs on-premises

Cloud technology has become a key enabler for businesses that operate across multiple locations or have employees working from home. There are pros and cons to both options. For example, on-premises DAM systems can provide greater control to the organisation but they tend to incur greater installation and ongoing maintenance costs.

For organisations that operate across multiple locations including international teams, accessing digital assets through the internet is a priority. The cloud model will ensure that collaboration is quick and easy, regardless of geographical location. Cloud DAM systems also provide automatic backups and secure data transmission. Read more about cloud vs on-premises DAM.

User permissions and accessibility

Scaling businesses require a robust system to control permissions and accessibility as your workforce grows. For example, you can set permissions so that users can simply download assets or provide permission to add, edit and delete assets.

You should consider who will require administrator permissions, as they will be the people responsible for organising and managing your asset management. When you are choosing your DAM system, look for a solution that gives you the ability to set up the permissions and access levels required.

Metadata and taxonomy

To support business growth at pace, a clear metadata schema will provide an intuitive framework for your digital asset management. This will enable users to quickly locate the assets they need and ensure that assets are stored using the relevant keywords and tags.

One DAM feature that will help drive seamless scalability is automated metadata management through AI. You can find out more about setting up metadata schema in our guide.

Grow your business with DAM

If you are ready to drive growth with a digital asset management system built for scalability, iBase is here to help. Get in touch to book a one-to-one demo and see how our DAM system incorporates the latest technology to deliver efficiencies.

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