Digital asset management (DAM) has a number of key benefits for companies, providing a fast, safe and convenient platform for managing your digital files, among other helpful functions. But what is the most important feature of digital asset management? If you’re considering in investing in DAM software to streamline your own company’s operations, then you’ll definitely want to read on and find out!

Smart file-finding

One of the biggest causes of wasted time for many business employees is not being able to easily locate a file. Sophisticated DAM software can provide a range of searching options to help your employees find what they need faster than ever, so your company can save both time and money. From flexible quick search to geolocation searches, fuzzy searching and hierarchical keyword searching, there are so many tools at your fingertips to help your staff find the right file in no time.


If you’re of the opinion that security is the most important feature, you definitely wouldn’t be alone. After all, any DAM system worth its salt should have a high level of security, to make sure your assets are properly protected. Effective DAM software can keep your assets safe using a number of tools and processes, including regular testing, different levels of access, and comprehensive auditing, so you can easily see if someone has tried to access data they are not permitted to view.

Simple sharing

Being able to easily and safely share content, both internally and externally, is arguably highly important and should definitely be a fundamental feature of your DAM software.

Effective file sharing should include a number of components, among them: controlled access to files; straightforward email collection options so you can send assets to external users; individual file or folder check-outs on collaborative projects; and efficient social media sharing of both files and their metadata.

Fluid data migration

It goes without saying that any high-quality DAM platform should be able to provide its new users with straightforward file integration when they first get started. Being able to import all of your previous data easily and securely is vital. You’ll also want customised data maps, so you can be sure that all of your assets have been stored in the correct places.

The verdict – why choose?

As you would surely agree, it’s impossible to single out just one of these essential features as being more vital than any other. Thankfully, our sophisticated DAM software includes every single one of them and many more! As a result, you can rest assured that your new DAM system combines safety, inclusivity and efficiency in one neat package.

To find out more, contact us to arrange a one-to-one demo with our team! We can walk you through our DAM software and discuss how it can assist with your specific requirements.

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