Digital asset management (DAM) can be tricky without the right system in place. Keeping track of so many files, monitoring their usage and maintaining stringent security is difficult for even the most tech-savvy business owners. Unfortunately, this allows for a number of mistakes.

And when it comes to your digital assets, even the smallest mistake can be costly for your business. Keep reading to discover three costly asset management mistakes and learn how you can avoid them.

1. Not prioritising security

When searching for a DAM system for your business, a number of companies simply aren’t prioritising security as much as they should. Security errors or breaches could cost your business thousands in damages or compensation, so it’s worth double checking that your security is in order.

According to a study by Cisco, around 44% of all cyber security alerts are ignored due to the abundance of security data businesses have to deal with. That’s why it’s important to choose a DAM system with a high-level security system built in. That includes the ability to back up files and restrict user access for certain sensitive assets.

2. Unorganised metadata

One of the key advantages of a DAM system is its ability to organise and store an abundance of files, which is done using different metadata tags. If your metadata strategy and guidelines aren’t up to scratch, you simply won’t get the most out of your DAM and may end up spending more time (and money!) locating files than before.

Choosing a system that allows infinite metadata tags will certainly help. But it’s also down to you to make sure your metadata is used well. You need to make sure your metadata describes the file in a way that allows it to be easily found, especially when it comes to images and videos.

3. Failing to prepare

When implementing a DAM system, one of the costlier mistakes you can make is failing to properly prepare. Without a complete business plan to adhere to, you and your employees are essentially going in blind. You cannot expect your DAM system to benefit your key business goals, without making those clear in the first place.

Once you have a detailed business plan in place, you must decide how this can be executed. For instance, you may have a complete plan as to how your business can grow, but without informing employees of the goals and explaining their role in achieving them, your plan may go unnoticed.

Avoid mistakes with iBase

A DAM system is a must-have for all kinds of businesses and organisations that want to boost their productivity and flexibility. However, implementation mistakes can be costly for you and your company. Fortunately, iBase are here to help.

Our online DAM training can help you and your employees learn exactly how to use our system properly, avoiding costly mistakes and allowing you to make the most of your new platform. Any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today.

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