A good digital asset management (DAM) system will allow for a smoother location of assets, increase productivity and save your business valuable time and money. That’s only the beginning. If managed correctly, there’s no end to what your DAM system can do.

But, ultimately, it can only work as well as you allow it to. If you’re unsure on how to properly run your DAM platform or simply want to know how to do more, keep reading as we discuss our top 6 tips for making the most of your DAM system…

1. Structure folders properly

Without a good folder structure, your DAM system will not benefit your business as much as it could. Most platforms will allow you to search for specific folders or browse through each folder, looking for the relevant name. That makes naming folders important, as it must be clear what is inside each folder.

2. Provide online training

With DAM still being relatively new technology, many businesses aren’t using it to its full potential. While you may feel confident running your DAM system and may even have started to see results, you could only be scratching the surface. Online training can provide you and your staff with tips, tricks and advice to truly make the most of your platform.

3. Implement metadata

Metadata is also crucial for making the most of your DAM system. A clear and consistent metadata system will ensure each user of the DAM understands what they’re looking for and knows how to properly label each file, so it is stored and organised in the correct area.

4. Add a personal touch

Once you’ve got your DAM system up and running and each user knows how to access the necessary files, you may want to customise your DAM to add your own personal touch. Changing colours, updating relevant collections and adding branded images will help personalise your DAM system, which is especially useful if clients have access to files.

5. Control access

One of the issues some users face when running a DAM system is controlling user access to certain files. A good DAM platform eliminates this issue, allowing restricted access depending on metadata, file type or folder. This avoids the accidental publishing of incorrect files, personal data risks and clients seeing private documents.

6. Publish guidelines

An easy way to ensure your DAM system is being used to its fullest potential is to create a detailed set of guidelines. Whether it’s how often files will be archived or deleted, who needs to approve files before release or how often are assets reviewed and added to the system – users need to know how the system works in order to use it properly.

iBase are here to help

At iBase, our cloud-based digital asset management (DAM) system offers only the best support, organisation and security. Our team of experts are on hand to offer advice and guidance to ensure your business is getting the most out of your DAM system.

Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team for more information.

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