As an employer, you’ll always look to hire people that have the right skills and qualities for the job at hand. However, there are some tasks that require a little more guidance, whether it’s new software or just your company’s specific way of doing things.

That’s where video training can be hugely useful. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of video training and how to utilise it.

The merits of video training

Much like in-person training, video training allows you to show employees how to do something by guiding them through step by step. However, unlike in-person training, you don’t need to be there to do it. That’s a big benefit for remote working, which has skyrocketed in the current climate.

Location aside, the main benefit of video training is that you don’t have to do it again and again. Guiding a new member of staff through a piece of software might not take long as a one-off. But if you need to show it to a new member of staff every week, that will soon stack up.

What if that person needs another run-through or refresher a week later? By recording a video, the guidance is available to whoever needs it, and whenever they need it.

On top of all that, the applications of video training are potentially limitless. It can be used to guide employees through day-to-day processes, explain how to use software, instruct them on how to format images or documents, or even train them with certain systems you use, from a digital asset management system to a simple holiday planner.

How to use video training

The next question is how you actually do it. In some cases, you’ll simply be able to video yourself performing or talking about the task. This can be used if you’re doing something practical like fixing an item or using a physical tool, as the user will be able to see what you’re doing as you talk through it.

However, if you’re looking to guide employees through something digital, you’ll need to find a platform that allows screen sharing as well as recording. By sharing your screen, you’ll be able to talk staff through a process while you’re actually doing it. They will be able to see where on the screen things are located and get a better idea of how to do things than they would from your instructions alone.

Here are some more points to consider:

1. Speed

Whether it’s on-screen or off-screen, remember to take things slowly and discuss everything you do. While some things may seem common sense or natural to you, they won’t to someone who’s doing it for the first time.

2. Questions

On top of that, consider the questions people might have at each step. Unless you’re doing it live in a video call, employees won’t have the opportunity to ask questions. That could leave them unsure and susceptible to mistakes. Perhaps try one or two walkthroughs as a video call to see where issues arise, then proceed with a recording for future training.

3. Accessibility

Finally, make sure video training is accessible to everyone. That means storing it in a shared repository where everyone can find it. If you have multiple training videos for different processes or clients, make sure they’re organised properly in the relevant file or with the right metadata.

How can we help?

If you want to make it easier for your team to find the relevant training for every job, iBase can help. Our state-of-the-art digital asset management (DAM) system makes it easy to store and organise all types of files, including video, with sophisticated metadata so any file can be found in an instant.

Even better, we offer full DAM training, so there’s one less type of training for you to worry about. To find out more, get in touch with our team or start your free, no-obligation trial.

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