Digital assets are crucial to businesses these days, providing a variety of helpful functions. Not to mention forming the backbone of a brand’s identity and offering a ready-made pool of resources for marketing campaigns.

If you are wondering how to create your own high-quality digital assets, we’ve put together a concise guide to help you get started.

Getting the basics right

The first thing to think about when it comes to creating a digital asset is to consider the particular criteria that asset needs to meet. This means understanding the nuts and bolts of how to make a high-quality asset, including the best file sizes, resolutions, and – if it is an image or graphic – colour saturations to use.

You should think about what kind of format the asset needs to be saved in, so it can easily be opened by other co-workers and collaborators. When creating your asset, you also need to take into account the best practices of your particular company and ensure you follow them to the letter.

Maintain brand consistency

Sticking to brand guidelines is essential when creating your digital assets, particularly if you are creating them as part of a marketing campaign where they will be publicly representing the brand’s identity. In most cases, you will probably find you have been given a very specific brief to follow as you create your assets, which may include all kinds of details, ranging from what kind of colours your graphics should contain, to what file size the assets should be saved in.

Be clear about your goal

As you go about making your digital assets – whether they are documents, graphics, videos, audio files, or something else – you should make sure you have a crystal-clear idea of the goal of the asset.

For example, a digital asset that is being designed for social media sharing may be somewhat different from an asset that will form part of your company’s website content or one that will be incorporated in an inter-departmental presentation. Having a clear notion of the asset’s purpose will help you design it in the most appropriate style and format.

Turn up the brightness

This may seem like a minor issue, but if you are working on digital assets such as images and videos, making sure the brightness of your screen is turned up is essential. This will help you get a clear idea of the colour saturation if you need to alter the colours of your assets.

Keeping on top of your digital assets

Once you have created your digital assets, it’s vital that you keep them well-organised, safe, and readily available for members of your team to access when needed.

To help you achieve this, it’s recommended that you invest in a high-quality digital asset management software solution, which will take care of all of your digital asset requirements with ease. To find out more about this software and how it can help you specifically, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our friendly and knowledgeable team, and arrange a one-to-one demo.

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