Social media has become almost a necessity for growing your business. With so much competition out there, a huge potential online market and a free, readily available resource, it could be costly mistake if you don’t make the most of social media sites.

But with various platforms to manage, a brand message to maintain and an office full of staff, keeping track of your social media material can be difficult. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how digital asset management (DAM) can help with social media.

Clear set of guidelines

First things first, when creating a successful social media presence, it’s important to set clear guidelines to ensure consistency. If people see different imagery on your Twitter and Facebook, for instance, it will look unprofessional and could promote mixed messages.

With a feature-rich DAM platform, your entire team can easily access your guidelines. You can also allow the file to be edited by a number of users so your brand guidelines will constantly be up to date and you can hide the outdated files to avoid any misuse.

Standard templates

As well as having a clear set of guidelines for users to refer to when creating social media posts, you can also create and store a set of standard templates to make sure your social media feed maintains a uniform appearance.

With plenty of storage and an unlimited number of users, you can create folders for each of your social media accounts to allow even easier access. With iBase’s DAM system, you can even restrict access to certain folders for specific users, so if you have different teams managing your different social media pages, you can grant that individual access to the relevant folder to avoid confusion.

Avoid common mistakes

One of the most common mistakes users make on business social media pages is using the incorrect images and fonts. While this may seem like a small error, it can make your brand appear inconsistent and, ultimately, your customers may lose faith in you as a company.

Luckily, with a DAM system you don’t have to worry about using the wrong logo, image size or font. You can store all relevant images and logos in your system, so all users can find the relevant files quickly and easily. You could even save pre-written posts that everyone can access. Translation? You could save plenty of time and money for your company.

Start your new year off right

With 2020 fast approaching, there’s no better way to get your social media accounts in great shape than with iBase’s DAM platform. We offer unlimited metadata tags to allow you to easily organise all your social media templates and brand guidelines and retrieve them with no trouble.

For more information on what we can do for your company with our cloud-based DAM system, take a look at the range of uses or get in touch with our friendly team of experts.

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