Digital assets are a vital resource for all companies, but the organisation of this information can create challenges in workflows and campaigns.

Like other business systems, digital assets need to be organised effectively to avoid inconsistencies and errors. So what’s the best way to do this?

In this post, we look at descriptive metadata and how it works, alongside the benefits of using this method for better accessibility and organisation.

What is image metadata?

Digital asset metadata, or, as its otherwise known, photo, image, video or picture metadata, is the text that accompanies the digital asset. This is often seen as the file name, but it can feature a host of other information to help identify the asset clearly.

The more information included here, the more accessible the file is. For example, if you include several specific keywords in this space, you’re more likely to find a file quickly without having to scroll through similar file names.

The metadata of a file contains device-generated information, like when you save an image from a camera, you can see a host of device data such as:

  • Generic filename
  • Date and time the photo was taken
  • Location (if this setting is enabled)
  • Colour space – i.e. RGB, CMYK
  • Image resolution
  • File size
  • Pixel dimensions

However, this is the basic information you get with an image, so it’s important to use more information to create a better filing structure. To do this, descriptive metadata is helpful.

What is descriptive metadata?

This type of metadata provides more in-depth information about the image or video and enables users more freedom to structure files effectively. This can be added using DAM software such as iBase. Here are some examples of descriptive metadata…

1. Relevant and specific image filename

The generic filename you get from the details of the basic saved image generally labels the asset in number order, such as IMG_2396. However, this doesn’t give any details, so changing it to what the image features is helpful.

2. Copyright and usage rights

Usage rights are an essential aspect to include in company images. With the internet full of digital assets, it’s easy to use them without realising the full rights to that image or video. Including copyright information in your metadata also protects your creative works and informs others of their usage limitations.

3. Keywords and tags

Adding other keywords to your digital assets can help structure files more efficiently. For example, if they are related to specific campaigns, add the keywords to identify this. If you have similar products in different colours, include the colour to differentiate.

4. Caption

The caption is another way to describe what’s happening in the image. For example, if the picture shows someone sitting in a coffee shop, use this in the caption and add specifics relevant to the image.

Adding descriptive metadata with DAM software

DAM software provides a valuable tool for organising and finding digital assets. It’s easy to add your own metadata using this integrated software, especially if you have an extensive library to manage. Want to find out more? Contact us for a free demo.

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