If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the unexpected is always just around the corner. Many of us have had to adapt to a totally new working style, without being in the office or around our colleagues. A staggering 86% of those working from home in April 2020 were doing so due to the coronavirus impacting their workplace.

Fortunately, for many, it actually improves productivity and work-life balance. That said, there are a few common mistakes to avoid if you want to make sure remote working works for you.

1. Lack of access

One of the most common issues when it comes to working from home or remotely is not having complete access to all the files that you need. Generally, when you’re working in an office, you will be connected to the internal server so everything you need is stored easily in one place. For many of us, we will have never experienced accessing the server remotely.

Luckily, there is an easy solution. With a digital asset management system, you have a centralised repository for all your templates, images, documents and anything else you may need. So, no matter where in the world you are, as long as you have an internet connection, you can access all the files you need to do your job.

2. No schedule

Wake up, shower, head into the office, take your lunch break, finish work and head home…sound familiar? For many of us, this has been our daily routine for as long as we have been in employment. Although your work hours may be the same, working from home can throw our schedules out of the window.

With no differentiation between home and work, switching off can be difficult. In fact, during April 2020, 30.3% of those working from home said they were working more hours than usual. And 34% said they were working less. So, clearly a lack of schedule is impacting our working hours.

Setting yourself a daily schedule may seen obvious but sticking to it is harder for some. If you are an employer, make a schedule for your employees to work towards, making sure to add in downtime and frequent breaks to avoid burning out. As an employee, setting yourself daily targets and time frames to work towards can help you maintain routine.

3. Inadequate workspace

When buying or renting your home, having an adequate workspace is often not a consideration for many. And with the majority of people finding themselves working remotely this year, the need for a makeshift home office has been a big issue.

That’s led to lots of workers taking to the sofa, dining table or even staying in bed with their laptop. Unfortunately, this won’t cut it going forward. Without a proper workspace, many of us can feel distracted and unproductive. It also makes it more difficult to switch off from work.

Find yourself a quiet, clean spot in your home and dedicate it only to working.  Ideally, this should include a proper chair to support good posture and some natural light to brighten up your working day.

4. Loneliness 

In 2019, 54% of the UK workforce had the option to work remotely. Of course, that shot up during the pandemic when many of us were forced indoors. Even without the added impact of school closures, social distancing and not being able to see loved ones, 19% of those working from home struggle with loneliness.

It is important to make sure you remain in contact with your colleagues. Whether it’s phone calls, video chats or emails, keeping up to date with the people you spend your days with is a great way to combat loneliness when working from home. And it doesn’t all have to be about work. Make time for those lunchtime catch ups and after-work coffees, even if it does have to be virtual for the foreseeable future.

Speak to an expert

While we can’t set up your home office or plan your schedule, iBase can make it easier to work from home by giving you everything you need in one place. Our feature-rich digital asset management system makes working remotely as easy as it can be.

With all your files and assets stored and fully organised, you and your team can access everything you need in a few simple clicks. Want to know more? Just give our team a call today to see what we can do for you.

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