Brand terminology can be confusing, but it is important for businesses to understand it to be able to grow. Brand governance can help you promote your brand in a way that customers can’t forget. Read on to discover what it means and how to get it right.

Brand governance: the basics

Branding refers to how your products or services are truly yours – how they are distinct from those of your competitors. Governance is how you govern or control that brand, and how it’s presented to your target audience. There are two broad ways of doing so…

Another discrepancy is price. As you'd expect, enterprise DAM tends to be more expensive because it deals with extensive content libraries.

The ‘iron fist’ method

When it comes to managing your brand, having a brand manager is a popular choice. This is known as working with an ‘iron fist’. Their responsibility is to keep control over every element and ultimately make final decisions. Nothing would be seen by the target audience without their say-so, as they are the guardian of your brand identity.

This style of working strengthens the consistency in your branding campaigns – as things are less likely to be missed if approved by the same person. But brand managers are only one person, after all. With an increased workload, their focus will be on choosing which campaigns to focus on and naturally bottlenecks and backlogs can occur.

The ‘lean’ method

This method allows the brand manager to hand over the responsibility to different teams in the company. Employees are then able to collaborate more effectively in developing the brand – becoming clearer on brand guidelines as they are more involved in the creative process.

Other benefits include:

  • Greater employee investment in the business
  • Improved productivity as employees take ownership of products and services
  • Shared burden of brand consistency, taking pressure off the brand manager
  • Freeing the brand manager up to focus on other elements of brand awareness such as updating brand guidelines

Three tips to get brand governance right

Shaping a brand across multiple departments can be a complicated task. Here are three tips to help you simplify the process and empower your team.

1. Make your brand’s vision public

Everyone involved in creating a brand needs to know exactly what the vision is. So, start by sharing the visual and voice details of your brand clearly. Your marketing team will need precise information in order to create visual ads – and sales and support team members should be informed of the right tone to strike when engaging with customers.

2. Communicate constantly

Keeping everyone in the loop will help create a cohesive and full campaign that will give effective results. Whether one element of your brand needs adjusted or its whole identity is due for an upgrade – constant communication with team members is vital for this to happen.

3. Use a centralised, cloud-based DAM

A centralised, cloud-based DAM gives your whole team immediate access to all digital assets. This allows for quicker and smoother team-working as everything will be available on demand.

How a DAM can help

Digital asset management (DAM) is an invaluable resource when it comes to centralising all your brand content in one place. Every member of each department can work on brand creation and consistency easily, having access to up-to-date templates and brand guidelines.

If you would like to find out more, simply book a one-to-one demo with the iBase team today.

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