Reduced costs, saving time, improving organisation, easily growing your business - by now, we all know the huge benefits of implementing a digital asset management (DAM) system within your business. But, did you know that you can actually use your DAM to provide a better customer experience too? Read on to discover more.

What is a good customer experience?

You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about improving customer experience recently. It’s become critical for the survival of modern businesses. In 2018, 89% of organisations said that they are focused on transforming their customer experience. But what exactly do people mean by customer experience, and how can you improve it?

While the two go hand in hand, customer experience is much more than just good customer service. Customer service is about providing your customers with what they want, and is a big part of the customer experience. However, a good customer experience is about avoiding unpleasant surprises more broadly, including:

  • Inconsistency - When dealing with a business or brand, customers expect the same company voice across all platforms. If one employee tells a customer or client one thing, every other employee needs to be telling them the same.
  • Ignoring faults - If your company is regularly ignoring complaints and not being proactive when it comes to solving issues, customers are going to lose trust in you as a business. Without a steady stream of loyal and trusting customers, your company may suffer.

Using DAM for customer experience

As well as easing the search and retrieval of files day to day, a good DAM system can grant an enormous amount of control over your customer experience. One of the most frequent complaints heard by businesses, particularly creative agencies, is local branches or offices losing or mishandling assets.

Without a proper storage and management system, you risk documents falling into the wrong hands, losing or misplacing files and if your server was to go down, it could destroy everything. That’s where a DAM system comes in. A cloud-based platform offers an extra layer of security, restricting who can access what and backing up files.

Issues can arise if you outsource any work, or work with external agencies, such as marketing and promotion teams. This can cause problems if these teams are unfamiliar with your process or your brand assets. Messages can get misconstrued and your business may be associated with the wrong ideas.

Storing all your files in one centralised repository with controlled file access also ensures each of your employees is working consistently. It becomes almost impossible to access the wrong file, or to send over an incomplete document as each asset can be stored in a specific area and can only be accessed by those with authority to do so.

Great customer experience with iBase

At iBase, our cloud-based digital asset management systems offer a high level of control and security, ensuring a great customer experience all-round. From restrictions on individual metadata to an entirely scalable system, we do all the hard work, so you don’t have to. Get in touch with our team today to discover more about any of our services.

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